Capital Maintenance Services (Cleaning Services in Cardiff)
Contact and other information about the company Capital Maintenance Services in Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Capital Maintenance Services contacts:
Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
374B Cowbridge Rd East, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF5 1JJ
02920 229581
02920 229583
Capital Maintenance Services opening times:
Sun: Closed
Mon: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tue: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Wed: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Thu: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Fri: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Sat: Closed
Opening hours of the "Capital Maintenance Services" is given for informational purposes and may differ from the actual, you can specify the time by phone 02920 229581
Reviews about Capital Maintenance Services
About "Capital Maintenance Services":
You can call the company by phone Capital Maintenance Services 02920 229581 or send a fax to 02920 229583. On this page you can see all detailed information about the "Capital Maintenance Services". "Capital Maintenance Services" plain in our project in category Cleaning Services in Cardiff. For a letter, use the address 374B Cowbridge Rd East, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF5 1JJ, Cardiff, SOUTH-GLAMORGAN CF5 1JJ
The nearest "Capital Maintenance Services" Cleaning Services in South Glamorgan, UK
- Cardiff Cleaning Services 0.92 ml 138 Fairwater Grove East, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF5 2JW 02920 563012
- Century Cleaning Co 0.89 ml Unit 1/Fairwater Workshops Norbury Road, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF5 3BG 02920 576057
- Commercial & Industrial Services 0.33 ml 41 Fairfield Avenue, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF5 1BR 02920 552501
- Regent 0.68 ml 10 Dyfrig Road, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF5 5AB 02920 552270